Okay, first off -- pregnancy sickness has finally worn off, just in time for vacation. Wootwoot! I felt pretty good for the long car rides, mini-golf and many other activities. I LOVE the 2nd trimester. Everyone keeps asking what we are having, and the answer is......whatever God sent us!! We don't find out the gender before it's born, and although it is tempting I decided to stick with the tradition. I mean what does it really change?? My nursery stuff will be the same stuff I've used before which is neutral, I have neutral newborn clothes, the walls are green in the nursery, and I just have to make sure we have a name for boy and girl. I can depend 100% on what I find out at birth, and the ultrasound tech can get it wrong sometimes. (Right, Rebecca?:) I really like the surprise at the end. Brad would have found out this time, though, if I hadn't preferred to wait. I think I'll stay strong through future ultrasounds. :) Summer will be over soon for the school kids, so we're preparing for second grade. And although I wish I was more like my super go-get-it-done friends, I am relaxing as often as possible. So, many projects are waiting for me around the house. Maybe I'll get some done before baby??
In June the Ginn Family visited us from North Carolina. We visited a couple of nearby state parks and the guys golfed. Below are some pics from Stuarts Park where there is a slippery swimming area in the river.



Aunt Heather with Jaxson and Mallory

Throwing rocks was fun for the younger ones

Here is Hannah....4 yrs old now.

Melanie and Mallory cuddling for movie night
June 30 my nephew, Ranger, was born. We got to visit him when he was 2 weeks old, and I finally was able to visualize having a newborn soon.
We forget how tiny and squooshy and perfect they are.
In early July, my mom, sister and myself had a bridal shower for Heather, with a WVU theme.
In mid-July our family took a vacation south. First we visited my brother's family, then some friends in NC ( Manns, Millers, etc.), and then headed on to Myrtle Beach, SC to have our beach week with Brad's parents and siblings and their families. I didn't take too many pics, but the humidity was off the charts, hence the foggy picture below.
It was so much fun, and relaxing, too.
We drove back north on Friday evening to be able to attend Heather's wedding in Oakland, MD. I like this picture of her and my dad. It was a beautiful day. We're happy for her and Jared.
Look at that view as they walked back down the "aisle". Beautiful!