On Tuesday afternoon I was sitting on the couch nursing Eli while playing scrabble on my phone. Mallory was upstairs watching Between the Lions on PBS. Then, my house started moving. In an instant I jumped up from the couch with Eli on the nursing pillow and screamed for Mallory to come to me "right now!" Several thoughts crossed my mind.....a tornado is picking up our house, earthquake (nah!), back to tornado and what do we do again if it's a tornado to stay safe, then could it be an earthquake?...no way! So, as my heart raced and I sat on the steps holding Eli and Mallory at my side, I looked out the window at the sun shining and calm breeze, definitely not a tornado. And then I tried to figure out if I was going crazy because now nothing was happening and Mallory didn't feel it. I didn't have another adult around to look to for answers. So, I went back to the couch with my heart still racing and tried to reason things out. Could our old house be settling on its foundation? Did a train wreck nearby? What in the world is wrong with me?! So, when I received a text message from my sister-in-law in California a few minutes later that said "Could you guys feel the earthquake? Crazy!" I was so incredibly relieved. I called her immediately and said, "so I'm not crazy! Tell me about this earthquake." She had heard about it on the news. I could not, and can hardly still, believe that we experienced an earthquake here. Many people felt it, many didn't. My brother felt it 2 hours away, people around the rest of my family on the East coast felt it, but they did not personally feel it. CNN reported the many states that felt the aftershocks, but hadn't listed WV yet, but seriously, we're right next door to VA unlike many of the states reported, so of course we did. The next day I found evidence of the earthquake in the old cracks in our house which had opened a bit more, little bits of plaster that had crumbled away from nails, and the bits of debris on the things in my basement which had fallen from the ceiling. So, very cool that I was in my first ever earthquake, but glad that it wasn't severe at all.
And another surprise is pictured below......Brad and I returned from our late movie date night last night to find our daughters asleep in our bed. Sometimes Mallory sneaks in there and we move her when we go to bed, but we've never found them together in our bed. I had to take a picture before we moved them. :)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Posted by
9:56 PM

Posted by
9:34 PM
Monday, August 22, 2011
Eli on the Swing.....maybe
I don't know if this is going to work. I'm very new to YouTube. But I think this is the link to Elijah's first ride on the swing today at the park. I took the video on my phone, and my only way to use it is to upload it to YouTube because it is supposedly too large to email or text to anyone. Let's see if it works. http://youtu.be/4k3xufoehRQ (Oh, and my phone is taking photos and video sideways, and I can't seem to figure out how to switch it. Feel free to coach me. :)
Posted by
10:52 PM
First Day of 3rd Grade

Posted by
10:39 PM
A gift for Eli

Posted by
10:31 PM
Monday, August 8, 2011
The Infamous Haircut

(blurry, sorry.) Some of her hair from the back is over her shoulder, but the sides have multiple lengths, now.
Posted by
11:13 AM
Thursday, August 4, 2011
I kind of dropped off the face of the blogging world for a while, I know. My first excuse was that I was completely immersed in being Mommy to Eli, Bethany and Mallory. But, then I lost my means of blogging, my computer, back in March due to power outages during a terrible storm. I've stayed busy, but I've missed my friends in the blogging world. We live all over the country, and this is the only way I really stay in touch with you all. So, I'm so glad to be back. I'll try to get back into a regular blogging groove. :)
So, what have I been up to? Let's see, since January 31, my last post??
- Bethany turned 8. She had her first "friends from school" birthday party. She was baptized which was so wonderful for all of us. I wish I had a recording of she and Mallory singing "I Know My Savior Loves Me".
- Elijah was blessed the day after Bethany's baptism. Super special. Of course, we were running late and I didn't even take a picture of him alone in his sweet, little white outfit.
- I turned 34 in March. Big whoop. Next year might be depressing, but I usually don't worry much about age. The aging in my face, however, is a different story. :)
- We took the spring sports season off this year. But, we're gearing up for our first soccer season with both girls playing. Oh, boy, it's gonna be crazy.
- We visited my parents for General Conference weekend and for Easter.
- May turned out to be a busy month because our niece, Katie, graduated from Pharmacy school at WVU, my sister, Jessica, graduated with her Criminology degree from WVU - in the same weekend, and my sister, Heather, was in labor during graduation. My niece, Amelia Kate, was born May 16. She is adorable and precious.
- At the end of May, Mallory broke her mommy's heart by taking scissors to her beautiful, long curls. I've said that I'm surprised that I didn't wake up with all white hair the next morning. I was so upset...I had to bag up all of the hair, drive 45 minutes to see Brad at work just so he could hug me. Really. I knew he'd understand how upset I was. It felt so personal, like it was worse than if it had been my own hair. Silly, huh? I'm actually lucky that her hair is curly because I can hide the different lengths with clips and headbands.
- In June we started summer vacation which included a short vacation of Washington DC. We visited the temple, the National Zoo, and a few of the Smithsonian museums. It was a great getaway. My nephew, Ranger, turned one year old June 30th. He is adorable.
- Our niece, Katie, got married on July 1. It was a beautiful wedding, and we love her husband, Ray. Amelia was blessed two days later. July brought with it Brad's 35th birthday, which he was not pleased about, and our 13th wedding anniversary, which we still haven't really celebrated. We went to Idlewild Park that day with our kids and my brother's family. It was lots of fun, despite the rain. Our family from California visited in July, and it was great to spend time with them. Our kids love that time with their cousins. Brad also traveled to CA for a golf-filled "Brothers' Weekend". I think the kids and I did pretty well while he was away, but we missed him.
There you go! A six month summary.....I probably forgot a few highlights, but good enough for now. Send me some love, people. I've been socially starved for those six months. ;)
Posted by
11:08 PM
Monday, January 31, 2011
Some pictures of "our son".....

5 days old

2 weeks

4 weeks

5 weeks

He is getting ready to cry, yes, and he still has cord. Ugh...6 weeks.

I took these last three photos this evening. 6 1/2 weeks old....my sweet boy, Elijah.
Posted by
11:02 PM