I've been wanting to blog for days now, but I can't decide what to share -- my life has been consumed by one gigantic stress that I might not want to write about and remember. Maybe I'll come back to it if I decide to share. But, anyway, this is the state of my house:
*dishes piled high in my sink and on my counter (I hate washing dishes by hand!)
*laundry on the floor by my washer/dryer, in the dryer, in the laundry baskets
*me - in my pajamas STILL!
*boxes of photos piled on my stove because I moved them from my dining table (it's not like I'll be using the stove a whole lot, right?)
*separate piles of projects stacked on my desk, some of which need to be done NOW!
*piles of clean bedding, blankets, etc. in my guest room
*stain spilled all over my front porch from last week's "stain the front porch railings" project
(We were supposed to power-wash it and paint afterwards, but that hasn't happened yet due to previously mentioned stress and Brad's newly sprained ankle.)
*clover-filled grass in my yard which indicates it needs mowed, but now it's raining
*box of family reunion stuff next to desk which constantly reminds me I'm supposed to be sending out reminders, buying prizes, and putting together the family pedigree wall charts to display at this year's reunion
*Need I go on?
This is how I'm feeling today - blah! Too much to do, no energy to do it, and disgusted with the mess around me. Now, I've vented, so maybe I can get on with my day.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
One of those days......(or weeks?)
Posted by
10:57 AM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Before I forget....
I just have to blog about this before I forget.....
Bethany, Mallory, and I drove about 30 minutes this evening to meet Brad in a town called Buckhannon which is in between where we live and where he works. We met for dinner at BK. They have a massive indoor play area, and so after eating dinner the girls went in to play. B was instructed to stay close to M and help her through the tubes and such, plus I didn't want M to get left behind and freak out. Well, after about 20 minutes of playtime I told B it was time to leave, so she went to find M. We waited and waited and waited, but no M. I finally saw B track her down in an area that was visible and noticed that M was shaking her head and trying to make a getaway, so Brad and I looked at each other and pointed to each other and then to the playplace. He thought I was going to go up after her.....hahahahaha....that is too funny. If only I had a video camera with me or at least knew how to work the camera on my new phone!!! My 6 foot tall, 185 lb Brad had to climb up through each level of this thing, very slowly and cautiously, to try to find our 2 1/2 yr old rebel. It was hilarious....for me anyway. After at least 5 minutes, maybe ten, they appeared at the end of the slide. Whew! I was trying not to laugh out loud as I reprimanded Mallory about coming out when we say it's time to leave, and that Daddy could have been thrown out of BK for going into the "Kids Only" area....well, that was probably a stretch. I imagine many parents have had to make that climb. Needless to say, Brad is going to have some bruises on his legs after that little adventure, but I'm really just glad that he was with me this time. :)
Posted by
9:45 PM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Motherhood.....Today's Thoughts

(This was the view under the table where I sat and watched their Grandpa's "show" a few weeks ago. They love each other......almost all of the time. :)
Posted by
4:04 PM
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Still my Favorite Place......
I took these photos recently when I visited the Washington D.C. Temple. Its beauty always lifts me up, and I feel such peace and contentment when I enter the doors of this holy place.
Posted by
1:53 PM
Kindergarten...the end.

Posted by
1:01 PM
The Field Trip - 2009

Posted by
12:42 PM
The New-Do
Posted by
12:23 PM
A Visit with Treasured Friends

Ancient teeter-totter of sorts : Deana, Melanie, Kimberly & Mallory

(P.S. -- the pretty scenic pictures are on Deana's blog)
Posted by
11:19 AM
Springtime in the Mountains
I know I've been out of touch, but I'm going to attempt to fill you in and blog about what we've been up to since my last post in early May. Let's see.....
- Stake Conference
- Parent Advisory Council meetings with the school and county
- Movies with the kids....."Night at the Museum: Battle at the Smithsonian" and "UP"
- T-Ball , t-ball and more t-ball!
- Kindergarten Field Trip to the WV Wildlife Center
- a trip to the temple with my sister
- a visit from the Ginn family -- woohoo!
- Memorial Day and Mother's Day fun with family
- Golf, golf and more golf for Brad
- Chiropractor, dentist, and other appointments
- Kindergarten Celebration, end of school
- Yard Sale!
- and another trip to the temple -- with my hubby!
This is a yummy dessert I made for Mother's Day to take to my Mom's.
Strawberry Punchbowl Cake
1 angel food cake (tear into small chunks), 1 package of sugar-free fat-free vanilla instant pudding (prepared ahead of time), crushed pineapple (drained), 2-3 sliced bananas, 3-4 containers of strawberries (sliced), lite Cool Whip (16 oz size) *All of these ingredients are listed in the order they go in the bowl, 1/2 at a time, so there are two layers of everything, then I topped it with strawberries. Delightful and light, too!
Running to 1st Base
Playing 2nd Base

Warming up with Daddy
Posted by
10:49 AM