Below are the pictures we took at Bethany's Kindergarten Celebration on June 3rd. We didn't really know what to expect, except that it wasn't called "graduation" anymore and that there would be some songs. Bethany didn't tell us anything else. Well, when we got there we were pleasantly surprised to learn that Bethany was the only child out of the 50 or so kindergarteners to have a part in the program because she was chosen to lead everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. We were very proud of her. We were so lucky to be here near our families so that they could attend. My mom took off work to come, my Dad is retired, my Aunt lives in Elkins like us, and Brad's mom, dad and sister also attended. (and of course, Brad, Mallory and I)
I find it hard to believe that my little Bethany is old enough to be done with Kindergarten. She reads, she computes math in her head, she writes....it all amazes me. I was feeling kind of sad after the whole thing was over and I had some time to myself. I thought, "well, this is just silly. Snap out of it." Then, later, Bethany was beaming with pride as she stated that she isn't in kindergarten anymore...she's a first grader! I was reminded of how much excitement I used to get out of completing a year of school, and how I couldn't wait to get older and do more and learn more and........you know. At that moment, I was able to just feel happy for her and be excited along with her. See, I'm growing, too. :)
Wow! The first day and last day of Kindergarten make a big difference. Kids grow up so fast, even in one year. Bethany's hair is adorable. I am sure she is excited for 1st grade. I know Andrew is.
Bethany looks so grown up! I miss her long curly hair though. That's how I remember her.
Oh my gosh! You can tell how much she's grown by looking at where she come up on the door! I love her new haircut!
Great job Bethany! Now for a relaxing summer vacation. First grade will be a breeze. Mandy, she is growing up. I enjoyed seeing how her little personality has just blossomed when we were there.
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