My sisters, brother, and I planned a surprise 60th birthday party for our mom. While it was quite a bit of work, it was so worth it when Mom showed up and was absolutely surprised. We weren't sure that it could be pulled off, but Dad had the hardest job of keeping Mom occupied all day so that she wouldn't show up too early. We had concocted a story where we needed them to babysit for us that evening, but since it's her summer break she wanted to come up early and visit her sister. We couldn't let that happen because our other aunts were at her house and it would have given it all away. The timing was tricky because we weren't sure what time my brother would get here. It was a small gathering -- just our family and Mom's sisters and brother-in-law. We missed Shannon, our sister in Iowa, but she called during the party. We fixed steak and chicken kabobs on the grill and fruit kabobs, too. If my aunts and uncle hadn't arrived super early, there is no way we would have gotten those put together in time. Whew!

How wonderful you did that for your mom! I know alot of hard work went into planning it. The cake does look beautiful. I know she will always remember here 60th birthday.
Happy Birthday, Judy. Sounds like you guys had a great time!
I'm so glad that it all worked out! I'm impressed that you pulled it off...that's some serious secrecy adnd coordination. I love Bethany's hair! Emma still says, "I want long long hair like Bethany's!" I'll have ot tell her it's not so long anymore!
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