I prepared for, taught and am finished with my big nervous-feeling-causing class for the Stake Relief Society event on Saturday. I felt so relieved for that evening...then Sunday came and the realization that now I must take on the array of primary needs that have been put on hold for the last week or so. But, anyway, the class went well. I sat through training meetings for a couple of hours, and was too nervous to eat much during the luncheon, but when I got started with the first of three groups, things just fell into place. You know how it is - you prepare, and prepare, and condense, and then when the lesson arrives you get through about 1/10th of the material you have. I felt like that was how it was supposed to be, though. With each particular group of ladies that came into the room, the discussion went different ways based on what the Spirit led us to focus on. I love how that always happens. I felt like the 2nd and 3rd groups were a little too quiet sometimes, but we still had great moments. I am working on my "Priority" list now, and finding where I may need to make some adjustments now that I have new responsibilities in my life. The quote that I made into a magnet is this:
"A wise man once distinguished between 'the noble art of getting things done' and a 'nobler art of leaving things undone.' True 'wisdom in life,' he taught, consists of the 'elimination of non-essentials'." President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Even though I was in the minority for a while, the women who find themselves with not enough to do, most of us have more in our hearts and minds that we want to do than we can possibly get done. It's tough to say, "No, I can't do that right now.", but sometimes it's necessary. I'm sure you've seen the object lesson where you try to fit something like large rocks into a jar with lots of little marbles or pebbles.....the big things won't fit if the little ones go in first. My big rocks, or top priorities, have to be the spiritual and family ones. God, spouse, children, church service...that's how Elder Oaks broke it down. And I put 'self' right there with God because if my relationship with God comes first, then I'm doing alright as an individual. I'll be strong enough to be who I need to be for my marriage, children, and church family.
I know some of you out there understand this......why is it that for the two days prior to this presentation I spent most of my time making handouts?? Bethany asked if kids were going to be there because of the candy cards, but I told her, "no, grown-up ladies like candy, too." :) I'll post a pic of the handouts. The little cards are the quote magnets, and in case you can't read the candy card, it says......
"Isn't it About Time? (the class title) Make a 'commit-mint' to yourself, and to your Savior, to make the best use of the time you've been given! (Andes mint) 'NOW' is the time to set your priorities straight, so that 'LATER' you can enjoy eternal life! (Now and Later)"

The stationary quote says,
"We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families."
Elder Dallin H. Oaks

Way to go, Sis! I hear your class was really good. Wish I could have been there. Love ya, Heather
Very crafty - well done!
Thank you so much for posting those quotes. I'm going to put them on my fridge (I guess I'll have to find my own magnet!) It sounds like you did an AMAZING job. I loved the title, too, "Isn't it about time?" because I just want to scream out "NO!It's not about time, it's about priorities!" I don't believe in saying "I can't because I don't have the time" because - hello! - we all have the same 24 hours in a day. So, instead of saying, "I don't have the time to - whatever" I replace it with "I can't do that because it is not my priority right now." When I look at it that way it really helps me to determine if my priorities are straight. And whatever our priorities are, we will get done. Because, yeah, I might be busy and say I don't have time, but I'll make time for watching movies and stuff, ya know? So if I say to myself, "I can't read my scriptures because that's not my priority but I could spend two hours looking at people's blogs because that's my priority", then I realize I've got my priorities whacked! Anyhoo, sorry to go off like that. You just get me thinking and this is something I've really been dealing with lately as I've recently gained a large responsibility in my life as well. I guess I need to give myself a good talking to about what my priorities are based on where I'm spending my time and where they need to be. Thanks for the post - I wish I could have gone to your class!
very creative!
I wish I could have been there for your class. It sounds like you did a wonderful job. You had some very good information. I love the quotes. Stacey cracks me up but she is right. It is all about priorities. Love you!
That's awesome Mandy!! I am super impressed. I always loved hearing you teach and I miss it!
Sounds fabulous!! I'm with you, I'll spend enormous amounts of time on the handouts, etc. I HAVE to. It's what makes me feel complete and prepared. It's funny though. Glad it went well!
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