We had a wonderful Christmas with snow and family and all the good stuff this year! I realized after I downloaded pics from my camera that I didn't take very many pictures, but I captured a few moments from our holiday. The girls always start with their stockings, and this was our year to be at my parents' home for Christmas Eve and morning. My entire family was there, so it was awesome to be together with all of my siblings and my parents. We drove back to Elkins to have Christmas dinner with the Bennett clan. That was especially nice, too, because we had dinner with just Brad's parents and siblings and their families, so it was smaller and more relaxed. Although, we missed his brother, John, and his family who are in California. I'm still cleaning up from Christmas, though, because I got sick with this cough/cold stuff after Christmas, but that's getting better. We cleaned up decorations and the tree for FHE last night, so I'm starting to feel like it's the New Year. Time to set goals and prepare for 2010. My To-Do list is growing, but the continued snow days even after Christmas break are giving me a chance to get more done than usual. I am frustrated with the snow days, too, though. I mean, it's winter time in the mountains of WV.....so, it's gonna get cold and be snowy and icy, school administration people! ugh. I told Bethany we're doing school today and tomorrow, since I'm sure we'll have another one after 6 more inches or so tonight. I don't mind snow, really I like it, but I want the kids to be in school. That's the teacher, and the cabin-fever mom, in me. :) I'll try to be a better blogger. Let me get myself a bit more organized and I'll be back....Happy New Year to y'all!

I decided to take a picture of Mom and Dad's diningroom table Christmas Eve because it looked so nice.....set for 13 people and what a great meal it was! Mallory was watching the Wii game with Papa, and I just had to capture it on camera. Her relationship with my dad is so cute.....he is the one who got her to stop her screaming fit a few days after Christmas. (which was about getting her hair washed and having to get out of the tub....go figure?) These are new to me as a mom, but she can throw a screaming fit like none I've ever seen...for like an hour. What's up with that?!
I am glad you are feeling better now, and I hope that school is back in soon for you. I love the snow..thanks for sharing it!
Happy New Year to you also! It is extremely cold here but no snow. We are back in the swing of things with church, school and homework. Melanie gets to go to the temple for the first time this month. Gregg and I as well as Caroline and Mel will be doing baptisms. Awesome! I hope your family is well. Love You!
This is your first fit! Happy New Year - Hope to see you when I come in next week!
I know what you mean about the snow! Soo much. So pretty...I have to work really hard not to get cabin fever, ya know? :)
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