My New Year changes are coming into my life slowly, and most of them are unrealistic because there's just too much I want to change about myself and my routine right now. For example, tonight I decided to get those dishes done so that I don't have to see them in the morning. While I was washing and listening to music I told myself I could start doing all of these things, in an "ideal Mandy" world.....
- Start making a hot breakfast for Bethany which should motivate her to eat before school to avoid our daily "breakfast battle" and to spend some time together before her day starts
- Wash dishes every night, so that there are few and things feel clean and ready for the new day ( I've mentioned before the lack of a dishwasher, right?)
- Get the study guide for Sunday school and make that a part of my study weekly since I miss out during primary, and still study the Book of Mormon because I don't feel right leaving it out of my study ( I found this 365 day schedule for finishing the Book of Mormon which I'd like to do with Brad in addition to our personal and family study.)
- Work out a couple of times a week at the YMCA, do Wii Fit/Biggest Loser/Cardio Wii workouts a few times a week, and find a walking buddy
- Maybe join Weight Watchers officially?
- Get back into a regular cleaning routine
- Make more time for keeping in touch with friends
- Even when I don't feel like it, play games with and do projects with my kids everyday
- Get to know my primary kids better
- Be a better Visiting Teacher, even though my list is pretty much "no visit"
- Learn how to do lots of things I'd like to do, like quilt and scrapbook better, etc.
Mallory's first day as a Sunbeam in Primary.
"All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth..." Bethany lost one right before Christmas and one the day after. She actually pulled these two out on her own instead of waiting for them to fall out.

Mandy, you are already an incredible woman - I don't think you need to change much, if anything, at all. Maybe your New Year's resolution could be to just "Trust in the Lord" and to not run faster than you have strength. I purposefully did not set any New Year's Resolutions this year as I'm feeling sick with morning sickness and what-not. Seriously, I think I am getting LESS done than ever. Most days when I say my morning prayers I just ask Heavenly Father to give me the strength to get "all needful things done" and to know which things those are. And somehow it all works out. Maybe you could write out a list of all the things you are doing well, instead of what you feel you are lacking - I'm sure it would take you a couple of pages to write! You are an amazing woman. Keep up the good work.
Stacey is so right! Do not be so hard on yourself.I love you just the way you are. It is always good to improve and do better, but it seems like we are all trying to do this and sometimes it is so overwhelming. A little at a time just like you said. I love you like a sister, oh wait we are sisters!!
I like these goals. You can do it!!
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