I couldn't believe seven years had passed since I held my firstborn in my arms - January 31, 2003. These seven years have been the best ever because she made me a mommy. I never could have understood the happiness and love of parenthood without the arrival of this miracle. I'm thankful everyday for her. Here are some characteristics of and thoughts about my 7 yr old Bethany:
- She has been smiling since the first week of her life, and when she gives you a real smile - not the forced, unnatural one that started appearing in photographs at around the age of 5 - she can melt your heart and lift your spirits better than almost anyone or anything.
- She has had a ton of hair since before she was born, and I had the heartburn to prove it. She had lots of dark hair with highlighted tips, and even though everyone said it would fall out, it never did. She has had more than a few haircuts and donated her hair twice to Pantene Beautiful Lengths.
- She has been the little mother around here since the day she met Mallory. Though she gets frustrated with her from time to time, she is generally patient and loving, helpful and sweet. When I'm trying to get Mal to do something she doesn't want to do, Bethany always tries to encourage her to do what is right and offers to help her, too. She is an amazing big sister!
- She was the first grandchild born into my family, and she nicknamed my dad "papa deer" when she was 2. Why? Because he was deer hunting over Thanksgiving week that year, and my girls still call him that to this day, only now it's "grandpa deer".
- Any teacher or coach she's ever had, at preschool or church, has loved her. She listens, tries hard, helps others and is a delight to be around. (their words, not mine) You always wonder what your child will be like for other people, and I don't worry about her at all.
- She wants to try and learn every sport imaginable, but is afraid to learn to swim or ride a bike. (We're working on those.) She is teachable and coordinated, and I love watching her play on and be a part of teams.
- She is very, I repeat - VERY, afraid of fire. She has nightmares if she even hears someone talk about fire.
- When she bleeds, or someone around her has an injury or cut, she can pass out. She always warns me with the phrase, "my eyes are getting fuzzy, mom." I got a phone call from her school a couple of weeks ago because they thought she was having a seizure. She had actually passed out because she got a paper cut on her finger, tiny paper cut I might add, and when the substitute teacher didn't cover it fast enough with a band aid or have her sit down, she started to shake and sway and became unresponsive. The teacher picked her up and ran down the hall to the office where the principal and other staff were quite concerned about her until they talked to me. Whoops. Now they know. :)
- She is sensitive, funny, talented, spiritual, and a beauty and wonder in my life. She has taught me what it is to feel unconditional love.

Bethany decided she wanted the number 7 candle, AND seven individual candles. (sometimes she reminds me of a 14 yr old, so it was fitting. :) They barely fit on the cupcake, but she blew them all out with one breath. Wow!
Wow I can't believe she is so grown up. It was fun to read all about her, she is such a sweetie and you are the best mom to those girls. Keep up the good work!
Good girls for a good mommy!
Tell Bethany one more year till the big day. Maybe we can make a special trip . Happy Birthday Bethany! We love you!!
looks like fun! I love the decorations! Bethany looks exactly like you!
Tell Bbop that I am a certified WSI (Water Safety Instructor) and I can teach her to swim and keep her safe. Then tell her she can come visit me this summer and I'll teach her. :)
My word!! I want these children to stop growing. She's such a sweetheart.
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