Brad and I are pretty laid back about Valentine's Day, so we do our usual date night and sometimes we exchange cards. No biggie. Brad would ignore it entirely if I agreed, because "it's not even a real holiday." I don't entirely disagree with him. Besides, we have date nights every week and he lets me know everyday how much he loves me. A few weeks ago, we were having a rough patch with Mallory and her tantrums. It was a preschool morning and she was refusing to get ready and was screaming and crying. I had just woken up, and since I'm not a morning person, it just rubbed me the wrong way. But, Brad carried her to the car and delivered her to preschool where she immediately stopped her tantrum upon entering the building, walked off with her teacher and proceeded to play her little heart out for 2 hours. That afternoon the doorbell rang and a man stood there with a flower delivery. I was so pleasantly surprised. It included Gerber daisies and what looked like little red lilies (though I'm not sure they were), which are my two favorite flowers. The card read, "just wanted you to know how much I love and appreciate you. Your Loving Husband." I called to thank him and asked why he'd sent me flowers, and he told me that he knew I was having a rough day and wanted to do something special for me. How sweet is that?! I have decided that I would much rather receive flowers on an unexpected day than on Valentine's Day. But, that's just me. :)

I absolutely loved how colorful the arrangement was....especially during our white, white winter.
Beautiful flowers!!! Way to go Brad!!
what a good husband!
I couldn't agree more! They are so pretty! Enjoy! Miss ya!
Really sweet, Mandy. What a nice husband. I agree about how flowers are so much more meaningful when unexpected.
very sweet! what a nice way to be reminded about how wonderful you are!
What a sweetheart!
I'm totally with you on this one. This is definitely the best way to receive flowers!
I will be showing Gregg this wonderful gesture of love. Maybe he will get some ideas!
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