Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The peak has past.....

On Friday, I took a couple of pictures from Mallory's window of the pretty tree across from our house. I planned on taking pictures all over town, but didn't have the time. By today, most of the leaves have fallen, and I couldn't find very many pretty pictures around town. Just within the last several days, we've gone from peak color season to hardly any color left, except yellow and brown. The reds have faded, as have the oranges. So, now we're focusing on our jack-o-lanterns and such. I'll take pictures and post my front porch sometime this week. The first two pictures above are the tree last week, then the rest are from today.

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

Wow! Look at those leaves on the ground! Make a nice big pile for the girls to jump in!