Monday, September 15, 2008

Why these particular colors? Well.....

I got the urge to change up my color scheme tonight because I can smell fall, feel it, and I'm starting to see it in the trees and in the way the children are wearing jackets in the morning as they wait for the bus. I LOVE FALL!!! So, the red background reminds me of my favorite fall leaf color....usually found on the Sugar Maples, certain oak trees, and some of the smaller trees and shrubs that I can't name. The green reminds me of the grass, which is still beautiful and lush. The yellow and orange shades symbolize the trees which have already begun to change colors this month. And, the blue is similar to the clear skies I enjoyed today while I edged and cleaned up my yard. Blue skies lift my spirits. Just thought I'd share my thoughts.


erin sheely said...

I love fall too!! It's not quite here in MD yet...almost though!

Melissa said...

Fall is definitely my favorite season!! I am just waiting for the leafs to start changing and the cooler weather to come in!!!

Tricia said...

Emma was commenting just yesterday that she was looking forward to fall. I love the smell of fall. Hopefully it will be here sooner than later.

Rachelle said...

I love Fall too! It's beautiful here in the East! The weather today is so cool- I turned off the air conditioner.

It's great to catch up with you guys! We miss you!

Staceroo said...

Fall is by far my favorite season. I doubt I'll get much of one in Louisiana though. Maybe I can live vicariously through your blog color scheme! :) When we get out of the military I need to live somewhere with an awesome Autumn.

Shannon said...

yeah yeah...where are the pictures? first day of school? These are the important things! :)